When we look good we feel good. A Personal Style Consultation will help you understand why particular clothing styles flatter you more than others, why certain fabrics are perfect for your bodyshape and why your size, proportions and your personality play an integral role in making you look great and feel more confident.
In order to answer your queries, please bring along as many outfits as you want: some you love, some you haven’t worn, they may even still have the price tags on, and some you are not sure how to wear.
Discover how to buy clothes and accessories that fit the body you have, accentuate the positive and learn to minimise those areas, if any, you want to hide so you can develop a co-ordinated wardrobe for maximum usage.
In the future you will be able to reduce time, frustration and money when looking for your outfits and at the same time avoid shopping disasters.
In today’s Covid-19 world the best way to discover how to create amazing outfits is to stay at home!
Exactly like a face to face Style session, learn all the detail about your body and faceshape THEN we head for your wardrobes!
We’ll pull out what looks great and what doesn’t work and in real time you can see how and why you have chosen outfits you love and why. More importantly why you have some purchases you love less or are even unworn.
“If a woman is badly dressed, we see the dress, if she is well-dressed, we see the woman.” – Coco Chanel

Personal Style
Time : 2 hours
Encompasses body and face shape, fabrics, patterns, accessories and much more.
You will take away : a 16 page personalised Style workbook.

Style by Zoom
Time : 2 hours
Encompasses body and face shape, fabrics, patterns, accessories and much more.
I will send you : a 16 page personalised Style workbook to work through as we chat.

Full Image Consultation
Time : 4 hours
Don’t wait any longer for your transformation! Take the plunge and offer yourself a top to toe Full Image Consultation (my Colour, Make-up and Style consultations combined).
“Great fun ! Sorry I brought practically my whole wardrobe with me but now at least I know why half of it was hardly worn – I shall stop wasting money in the Sales and look for some stylish, better quality clothes – even my husband was happy, he’s a statistician so he understands the price per wear ratio !” Geraldine