Colour Consultation


Time: 90 mins – 2 hours

Never again buy clothing that doesn’t suit you!

You will take away :  a leather wallet containing 42 swatches of your best colours.


Time: 90 mins – 2 hours 

A colour consultation is a fabulous opportunity to show you how to leave your old ways behind and introduce simple changes that will make you feel like a new woman. It’s not about changing your entire wardrobe, but choosing the colours or shades that complement your natural colouring more than others.

Learn how to wear and combine these colours to achieve the looks you want that are perfect for your lifestyle and to co-ordinate the clothes already in your wardrobe to achieve more versatile and stylish combinations.

You’ll be amazed by how much your confidence will grow 🙂

Held at 52 rue de Clichy 75009 PARIS at a date and time of your choice.