Today’s the first day of Lent and I’d like to set you a challenge :
Is it possible to stop adding clothes to your wardrobe for 40 days? Could you give up clothes shopping for Lent?

I’ve always been an advocate of #buylesswearmore and encourage my clients to build a wardrobe with longevity.
But what does that mean?
Well, a good core of investment pieces that you can bring out each season which you can add to with a few choice fashion items. Sound like a good idea?
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘planned obsolescence’. It means designing garments to become unfashionable, wear out or fall to pieces forcing the consumer to replace them on a regular basis. The statistics for the UK are terrible; £140m worth of clothing ends up in landfill every year, sorry I don’t have the stats for France, I’m hoping it’s a little better but that’s not a given…
So, I challenge you to put the credit card away and shop your wardrobe for Lent. You might surprise yourself how much you enjoy it.
Get in touch if you would like me to help you curate your very own wearable wardrobe.
And watch out for my blog on creating a Capsule Wardrobe in the next few days or grasp the nettle and contact me for a FREE SKYPE CONSULTATION.
Even better, get in touch today to BOOK NOW for colour, style or full image makeover session, discover how to style yourself with confidence and find out how easy it is to look and feel wonderful, whatever your lifestyle, WITHOUT buying more clothes!
Colourfully yours,